3D Smart Plus
Vatech entry level 3D cone beam CT system with superior image quality.
Anatomical FOV of 12x9 cm. Equipped with an advanced 3D software Ez3D-i
Two images with just one scan..
scan with PaX-i3D Smart gives you not just a CT image but also an Auto Pano image, which we are accustomed to. This means, patients who require both images do not need to undergo two X-ray scans. Also, CT and Auto Pano images are displayed within One Viewer.
Anatomical FOV 12x9
The innovative FOV of the PaX-i3D Smart provides an arch-shaped volume, which shows a wider view of dentition compared to other devices of the same FOV. Normally, a FOV 10x8.5 image shows tooth #8. However, when the tooth is lying on its side, there is a high possibility that the tooth will be cut out of the image. The “arch-shaped volume” eliminates this possibility and shows the hidden dentition area.
ART-V (Artifact Reduction Technology of VATECH)
Practitioners want to diagnose with a CBCT that doesn’t get affected by metal artifacts and while still producing high 3D image quality. ART-V provides this powerful capability to its users.
Green 16
This is the middle range 3D cone beam CT system from Vatech. It offers substantial image quality at a very low dosage.
With the fast scanning speed (4.9 sec CT, 1.9 sec Ceph and 7 sec Pano) Green16 facilitates the heavy work flow and improves productivity along with more precise and accurate results.
Four in one digital system.
Green16 is an advanced 4-in-1 digital X-ray imaging system that incorporates PANO, CEPH (Optional) , CBCT and MODEL Scan. It provides high quality images with lower radiation by combining imaging processing and accumulated experience in dental imaging from VATECH. This will improve your diagnostic accuracy with increased treatment planning and patient satisfaction.
Contact us for more information about Vatech Green16.
Green 17x15
An advanced cone beam CT system with substantial image quality at an ultra low dosage.
Wide range of diagnosis with multi FOV selections starting 5x5 up to 17x15 cm..
The 17x15 FOV enables you to do a comprehensive diagnosis including oral and maxillofacial surgery. Aslo helpful for complex orthognathic, implant, and orthodontic surgery.
Powered by a new 3D VR graphics engine, Ez3D-i is the ideal tool to quickly and easily obtain the correct perspectives needed for accurate, true-to-measurement diagnosis. Also, with various VR coloring modes and animated consultation tool, efficient consultation is supported.
3D Panoramic Navigation - Airway Analysis - TMJ Analysis
Green 21
"Raising The Bar For Excellence"
Full head dedicated Cone Beam CT System with the smallest voxel size, faster scan time and largest field of view "NO IMAGE STITCHING"
A 21x19 FOV is the optimal size for oral maxillofacial surgeons and orthodontists. Anatomically, it captures the regions from the roof of the orbits and nasion down to the hyoid bone.
One scan with the Green 21, can capture the raw data needed for a CBCT, Panorama, PA Ceph, Lateral Ceph, SMV Ceph, and Waters' View Ceph. With this scan, the system is capable of capturing images for craniofacial, maxillofacial, and orthodontic treatment planning
Please contact us for more information about Vatech Green 21 system.